Thursday, August 2, 2007

Tschüs for summer travel

Tschüs is "Hamburgian" for the informal bye-bye. The photo is from my last year's big trip to Africa and I think it symbolise the leaving, going, off to new adventures. I don't know about you, at least for me it does.

In a couple of hours I will hit the road for Switzerland and France for 15 days. Hopefully the conditions will be good for climbing, walking in the Alps and maybe one greater mountain. In between I want to cycle around The Lac Leman, the great lake of Genevre, in the French speaking part of Switzerland.

Thanks for all the touching comments on my last posts. As usual I got lost in blogland, looking at photos and this week also in climbing pages. So when I finally told myself to get off internet I hadn't written a personal note to you.
Besides surfing my days were filled with exercising. My shape is pretty lousy so I spent many hours climbing, due to a lack of rocks inside in a gym. But at least my compagnions there are fun to be around with and because I have vacation I treated myself afterwards with some good time in the sauna.

Many many hours I spent with packing. Although travelling is "my life" and I do travel frequently, I hate packing. I get sick from it, sometimes even physically. It doesn't even matter if I fly to Africa or India, it also can happen just for a weekend camping trip.
Of course I'm working with lists, cheerful self-talk and today I will use my new remedy, the Bach rescue drops.

I'm not ready yet so instead worrying if I have forgotten to mention something to somebody of my cyber acquaintances I should quit here with a hearty


ps: for my readers in the English speaking countrys: Please tell me if the vowel in the German word is not displayed. I don't know with the lastest html what you can see. If you can't figure it out it should be: tschues