Sunday, January 20, 2008

Knitting in a knit-along

SpringShawl detail2

This is what kept me away from blogging, away from sleeping, from being fit for my fulltime job, from household duties .....

When enrolling in SpringShawlSurprise I imagined myself doing a lot of relaxing knitting (blogged here) , sometimes figuring out harder parts of the pattern. But no, clue 1 was not relaxing and clue 2 let me doubt on my sanity ;-) ) Knitting two rows, finally being happy with myself about not giving up only to discover the next mistake.
Being ready to go on with mistakes, almost being ready to quit - only to go back the next morning, reknitting the last rows and going on.

It was worth it and here is the result at the end of clue 3:

SpringShawl Clue 3

What really kept me going was the community. I love the feeling being connected with friendly people all over the world, knitting, helping each other, struggling, going on again, learning from their mistakes, learning about themselves.

My goal for the first clues in January included being on schedule to enjoy this community without spoiling my surprise when other are posting their pictures. And I know myself, once I'm behind I tend to fall even more behind, maybe to the point where this projects gets crowded into the drawer with all other ufo's (unfinished objects).

At one point of my struggle I was thankful for pictures, that showed how it should come out. To help other I posted more pictures with details. If you go to my flickr account you can, if you want, click on the photo you are interested in. Next you can choose "All Sizes" above the photo.

As you can see in the first picture I played around with my camera to honor the beauty of Lul's pattern.

Blogging is the joy of bringing together my interests in travel, craft, photography and internet skills. So yesterday I practiced taking photos with a narrow depth of field. (That topic would be worth another blog-post, for now I refer you to Lolly's article.)

SpringShawl detail5


  1. I was wondering whether I should apologize for occupying so much of your time and for causing so much frustration. But I think for practially everything in life reaching the goalis a much greater satisfaction if getting there included frustrations and hard times.
    I love you pictures!

  2. Ich bin hin und weg von dieser einmaligen Handarbeit! Das wird etwas ganz Besonderes - wunderschön!
    Grüße von Ellen

  3. your photography of the sss is stunning. very evocative. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Schöne Arbeit! Ich würde das nicht schaffen.

  5. Oh wow, this is a very fine piece of work, it's wonderful, Tally !
