Thursday, July 24, 2008

Summer vacation part I - Sweden / 1

flight to Stockholm

Despite my fear of flying I enjoyed the feeling of being high above.
My friends picked me up at Arlanda, the Stockholm Airport.

lazy in the garden

Being lazy in the garden - as promised.

great light at the lake

I enjoyed the very close lake at all kinds of light.
We were really lucky with the weather.

boating on the lake

The inflating canoe was Ralf's special birthday present from Sabine- including a middle seat for me :-). We already had a great party buying it together at my favorite outdoor-shop, where I luckily get a discount.
This was one of the reasons why I visited my friends on their vacation up north. Who can resist such a kind of welcoming friendship.


Eating was important - as well as enjoying our company.
Welcome back kilos just recently lost!

rowing boat on the lake

I tried to gain back my strength and good body feeling that got buried under the stressful last weeks of work. One of my treatment was a daily brisk walk for half an hour. It always ended - of course at the lake.

dramatic sunset above swedish lake

Ellen and Hélène, thanks for your very welcome wishes.
Hopefully you have a nice summer as well!


  1. Na wunderbar! Der erste Teil lässt sich ja zum Besten an!
    Ich geh beruhigt wieder und weiß: es geht dir gut!!

    viele herzliche Sommergrüße von Ellen

  2. Fantastische Fotos! Ich krieg mich gar nicht mehr ein. Ich wünsche Dir, dass der zweite Urlaub auch so toll wird!


  3. Thanks Tally, these photograhs are beautiful !
