Saturday, October 11, 2008

fall treatment

Spirogyra on my arm

Spirogya was pure joy to knit. For sure I will use this lovely pattern more. On this picture it is pointing from fall back to summer.

I'm not so weak anymore but still coughing a lot. So Doctor Tally precribed a week in summer sun, some warm days on the seaside and he said to spend all of the time outside in the fresh air :-) .

weather in October

But now, before leaving, I have to rush to my local yarn store to get me yarn for the car-knitting. Lot's of celebrations are waiting, lots of presents are needed.

Enjoy your fall whereever on this beautiful world you are!

A bientòt


  1. Wie schön! Die südfranzösische Sonne wird dir gut tun und wieder vollends auf die Beine helfen! In der Sonne sitzen, stricken, schöne Spaziergänge machen... genieß die Zeit! Bis bald


  2. Beautiful beautiful knitting stuff Tally, in this and previous posts. Wish I could do things like that! :-)
