Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Corner View ::: Summer

ahhhh, summer!

So many possible pictures (in my mind, in my photo collection)

2 glasses of red campari on a table in front of the blue Mediterranian Sea - light and few clothes on the skin (what a relief) - barefoot all of the time - long nights outside, preferable in nice company - swimming - ......

the essential
nice days for you and me

where ever you are in all corners of this beautiful world

Monday, June 28, 2010

Zum Posen an die Ostsee

Bereits vor einigen Wochen erreichte mich ein Päckchen vom Bodensee. Die Freude war groß, doch gezeigt werden konnten die tollen Kleidungsstücke noch nicht.

Sommerwetter, Sonntag und ein Photograph an der Hand: Morgens keimte die Idee, zum Photoshoot an die Ostsee zu fahren. Mittags wurde die Location ausgesucht und nach einigen Stunden am Strand war es dann soweit.

Die Nähkünstlerin Ellen zeigt hier ihre eigene Version des gleichen Schnitts.

Hier ist nun mein Wunschtop ♥
Mein absolutes Lieblings-Shirt, schon oft auf meinen Reisephotos zu sehen, ist nicht mehr so dolle, so war mir sofort klar, was ich als Wunsch nenne als Ellen mich so lieb fragte.
Ein Brief mit dem alten Top flog von Hamburg an den Bodensee, der Schnitt wurde abgenommen, es flog zur schnellen Benutzung gleich wieder zurück.

Und hier ist Lieblingstop reloaded.
Ein feiner geringelter Jersey in herrlichem Grün als Bustier, darüber in Schokolade das Überhemd.

☼☼☼danke☼ ☼ ☼

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Corner View ::: Daily

Deutsche Fassung: bitte unten schauen.

Today Corner View's theme is "Daily".

It's the opportunity to get my fingers going and finally post about my project 2009.

Each single day I took a picture and each single day I wrote about the good things that happened.
At least I tried to do so at my best.

I made a photoshop template, put the pictures in it, printed, cut and glued them into a calender.

This Niggli Color Calendar is a very special one that offers beautiful colors with each day being different.
(btw: there are other nice products by the same company).

The project requires quite some time (getting the photos from the camera on the pages) and quite some dicipline (because I don't have a tiny or mobile phone camera).

I wanted to keep going with this project because it really honored the day and helped putting my awareness into the present.

Finally I decided against it in favor of less self imposed pressure.

Credit for this idea goes to Barbara from scrap-impulse.

More 'daily' Corner Views: go to spain daily.

Diesen Kalender wollte ich schon lange vorstellen, am liebsten jedoch fertig. Das ist er nicht und "Corner View" heißt diese Woche "daily - täglich", so nehme ich die Chance war und nutze das perfekte Thema.

Im Jahr 2009 machte ich jeden Tag ein Photo und schrieb abends Sachen auf, die gut waren. Dieses lenkte meine Aufmerksamkeit auf die Gegenwart auf die Schönheit im Täglichen.
Jeder Tag bekam somit seine Würdigung.

In Photoshop erstellte ich eine Vorlage, in die die Bilder kamen, sie wurden gedruckt, geschnitten und eingeklebt, uns zwar in diesen tollen Niggli Farbkalender.
Jeder Tag hat eine eigene, ganz besondere Farbe, die einen perfekten Hintergrund abgibt.

Das Projekt erfordert viel Zeit (die Photos von der Kamera auf die Seite zu kriegen) und viel Diziplin (ich habe keine Mini- und auch keine Handykamera).

Gerne hätte ich auch für dieses Jahrs so etwas gemacht, doch letztendlich entschied ich mich gegen selbstauferlegten Druck.

Mein Dank geht an Barbara von scrap-impulse, deren Post den Ausschlag für dieses Projekt gab.

Wie immer gibt es mehr 'tägliche' Einblicke aus den Ecken dieser Welt über die Links bei spain daily.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Corner View ::: Bliss

Deep blue sky.

Crispy air.

Clear mind.
Tiefblauer Himmel.

Reine, frische Luft.

Klarer Geist.


both pictures taken last weekend in my area

more of blissful Corner View: go to spaindaily

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Corner View ::: Sitting in Hamburg

"From where I'm sitting" is this week's theme of Corner View.
I'm showing you my favorite sitting places right in the very downtown of Hamburg.

The most lovely thing in Hamburg is the huge amount of water. Not the sea as many people think, but there is the mighty river Elbe coming from the Giant Mountains and flowing into the North Sea.
Right through Hamburg there is the smaller river "Alster".
This sitting place is at the so called Alsterfleet, kind of a channel that leads the water from the Alster to the Elbe.

I could go on and on and describe what else there is to see and to know.
But most important is to sit there, enjoy the atmosphere and sometimes the people in all their activity.

Because this time I sat there on purpose it was very, very interesting.
I never noticed before the details of the people's activitys. But maybe it was the cold weather that didn't invite to many to sit out there and enjoy an ice cream or what ever. So the persons being out there had something 'to do'. Like me or like the lady with the green hat that was going through her shopping bags on and on.

sitting in Hamburg 2

If you would ask me what is always in my travel bag, especially on bicycle or backpack trips, the answer would be this green thing.
Its a foldable mini isolating mat. Comfortable, warming if needed, saving my back side from dirt if needed.
It is good for sitting on the floor anywhere, good for sitting on steps especially when there are many pigeons around.
It was very windy that day so I had to push it inbetween the slats of the bench.

sitting in Hamburg 3

Crossing the street there is this other favorite sitting place.
My personal suggestion: If it is your lunch time grab some lovely Indian food or some Arabian, Japanese, Mexican ... from the lowest story of the nearby shopping mall 'Europa Passage', but beware of the swans! They are not shy, but keen on your food.

sitting in Hamburg 4

If you enjoy books as much as I do and if you like to have it in a combination with coffee and a great view: Head to the same mentioned above mall and direct your steps into the book shop. The shop is not only great for its small lounge but the amount and selection of books. They carry many books in English and stock of course many books on Hamburg and the surrounding.

I hope you had some fun following me to my fav spots downtown Hamburg.
More Corner Views are linked at SpainDaily.