Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Climbing is my rose

above Sarca Valley

Since my really fantastic March vacation in Italy I'm still feeding on the memories of these days.
Even in my moments of trouble (and there are some minor ones) a smile comes on my face when I recall the laughs, the sights, the climbing.

What about the title of this post?
Ellen announced a couple of weeks ago her "la vie en rose" -day-of-creativity.
Since I didn't pick up a needle for weeks (except for my job), and restricted my internet time for reasons of priority I didn't participate. But scanning through all the beautiful (mostly german) blogs today I wanted at least color my dreams a bit in rose-color.
You can use Ellen's post as a start to the rose-blogs here, here, here and here.


  1. WOW!
    Ein "Wahnsinns-Foto"!

    Zumindest für mich, da ich unter Höhenangst leide.


  2. Wow, Tally, you will never stop amazing me !
