Monday, June 1, 2009

Time for some poppies

Poppy II

Yesterday evening I came home and saw that my poppy is in blossom.
What a joy!

Poppy IV

Ever since I live
here I take care that there always is a poppy plant at the same place next to the staircase that leads up to my little house.

Poppy V

Every year since I blog I wanted to put up pictures of those poppies and this year it happens.

Poppy III

I hope everybody is enjoying the long weekend (that happened to be here in Germany). I had my fun with climbing and camping on Sat./Sunday. Now it's time to get some work done.

2009-05-31 Pfingstsonntag

Lovely, extra-ordinaire pictures of flowers you can admire on Ellen's Seelenruhig . She joined them with a profound text on the importance of a good relationship with yourself to be able to have it with others and more thoughts on that topic. Worth looking, reading and pondering!



  1. Liebe Tally,

    danke für die schönen Fotos. Ich mag Mohn auch sehr, sehr gerne.
    Wenn mein Garten weiter ist, bekomme ich von meiner Mutti eine abgeteilte Staude.

    Ist denn meine Post angekommen?

    Schönen Tag noch


  2. Jetzt klappt es doch ....habe aber schon eine Mail geschrieben!!

    wünsch dir einen guten Tag!!

  3. Wunderschöne beeindruckende Fotos!

